
Monday, May 16, 2011

Sportsmanship Project.

I just saw a video about this girl named, Sarah, who had never hit a home run in soft ball. But on day that changed. She hit the home run but sadly as she began to run, she injured her knee. The rules in softball is that none of your teammates can touch you. Kindly, two girls from the opponents team, Liz and Mallary, asked the umpire if they could carry her to all of her bases and so they did just that she the girl make her first home run! It was really sweet of them to do that. They had very good sportsmanship and it'll be cool if every athlete had that.
Sportsmanship is the key to have a good, fair and fun game while playing a sport that you enjoy. If people behaved with bad sportsmanship they will eventually get into fights. Where is the fun in that. If your opponent is behaving bad and being immature. Instead of saying an insulting word, use your skills and make a goal or touch down and win them with victory and pride that you played a fair and square game.
There was a girl in my team that would get mad with the referees if they called a bad call there was actually a time that you talked back to one and ended up getting a yellow card, meaning that we were one player down for 3 minutes. Eventually, we had to maker her understand that no matter what even if it was the worst call ever we just need to have the best sportsmanship and keep our mouths shut. 
Sportsmanship isn’t just in sports it’s also in work, school, and everything else that involves competition. It’s unfortunate that many people envy on others that are doing better than them, if anything we should be proud and supportive that at least some one is making something of themselves.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The dumb walk out.

Everyone has their own opinion and I respect that, so please respect mine because I know that a lot of people are against the whole changes that will be happening to the school and those students aren't going to agree with what I am about to put here on my blog.
On May 10, 2011 there was suppose to be a sit-in in Belgrave court to protest against the changes that was planning to be made for the school. Those changes are things like, to make 5 different school, such as Libra Academy, inside Huntington Park, have all the teachers here at Huntington Park reapply to keep their jobs, and changing the schools name.
Some how, at the sit-in, it turned into a walk out and all the student walked all the way to downtown to the district building to protest. I am almost 100% positive that a little over half of those students that walked out went just because they didn't want to go to their other classes. Less then half of those students were truly passionate about protesting. I'll give you my reasons why I am for the changes:
Libra Academy is making way better test scores than all of Huntington Park put together. That's really embarrassing since Libra Academy is filled with pure freshmen and sophomores. If those schools that are going to be made as good as Libra Academy, I don't see why people are complaining!
A lot of the teachers that work here at Huntington Park don't do their jobs as teachers. There are less good teachers that there are bad. I'm not talking about personality wise, there are a bunch of cool as teachers here that pass you and that's why most of you student would like them to stay, but really did you learn anything? For those of the teachers that actually do their job, there shouldn't be any reason for them to not get their job back, so don't worry about that. But for other teachers that don't do there jobs, which I know all of you guys have had at least once, I hope they leave.
Other students are worried about the school's name, how it's sad that it's been called "Huntington Park High School" for over 100 years, "it's not fair." Who gives a rats ass about the name! It's not the name that will be taking you to college or what ever you wish to do with your life, it's the education that you are getting!
All I'm saying is that there are a bunch of students that are here for the wrong reasons, just to chill, to hang, and that needs to stop! There are a few students that I have in some classes that just sit there and do nothing, I only hope that the new changes will do just that. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


I just saw a video about this girl named, Sarah, who had never hit a home run in soft ball. But on day that changed. She hit the home run but sadly as she began to run, she injured her knee. The rules in softball is that none of your teammates can touch you. Kindly, two girls from the opponents team, Liz and Mallary, asked the umpire if they could carry her to all of her bases and so they did just that she the girl make her first home run! It was really sweet of them to do that. They had very good sportsmanship and it'll be cool if every athlete had that.

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Vacations.

During my vacations I didn't do much, I had Lacrosse practice everyday. I couldn't really do anything in the mornings knowing that I had a time limit. Then after practice I would get out at 6 and by that time I took a shower or anything it'll be too late for my friends to do anything because they would have intercession the next day. All my games happened during vacation too. We won 5 games and lost 3. We beat Jordan and Manual Arts, We lost to Birmingham once and won the second game, and we lost both games to Pacific Palisades. The most memorable game was probably when we lost to Birmingham since I was really frustrating and disappointing, but I think I gave my all in that game. That's the game that I made that most shots. :) I didn't really hang out with any of my friends during vacations, I don't know why, but we promised our selfs that we wouldn't do it again. It felt too weird.. I also went to Disneyland for the first time. It was fun but it's not that big of a deal if I never go again, it's too expensive. :T